Wait, there's a new 'Spider-Man' movie? Here's what you need to know

Spidey's back, and in a follow-up to the heartbreaking "Avengers: Endgame," Peter Parker is trying to deal with loss and save the world ... yet again.
'Endgame' spoiler alert!
"Spider-Man: Far From Home" hits theaters nationwide today, and during a holiday week, the film not only gets a Tuesday release, it also kind of crept up on fans.
Marvel die-hards are still doing their best to process and cope with the ending to "Endgame" and may get some answers to where the MCU will head in the new standalone film, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland.
So, here's a breakdown of what you need to know heading in.
The next Iron Man
As mentioned above, Parker is obviously struggling following the sacrifice that his mentor and friend, Tony Stark made in "Endgame."
Losing the man who helped shape the superhero you are has to be incredibly tough.
The trailers and preview clips have show Parker working with Nick Fury, trying to fill the void that Stark left not only to his loved ones but the world and those who counted on the hero.
Fury mentions that the world needs the next Iron Man to step up and though Parker, a teenager, wants to just be on a trip with his friends, he's going to have to decide what's more important.
A tough spot to put a young man in, but it's the job and he's Spider-Man. We know he'll make the right decision.
Time for love?
Every major Spider-Man fan has been asking the question we all know will be answered at some point -- will Peter and MJ finally get together?
In the books, MJ is the love of his life and his equal.
In the films, Zendaya stars as the iconic character, and in the trailer it looks like love is blossoming.
"I think MJ really likes me," Parker says.
So, will they or won't they? That's the question.
Well, we might have to wait a little longer as the world hangs in the balance once again. Geez, Earth is in jeopardy like once a month, huh?
Will the real Mysterio please stand up?
Gyllenhaal stars as Quentin Beck aka Mysterio, who historically plays a Spidey villain.
But in the trailers we've seen, he's a hero working with Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D.
He says his world got destroyed by these water and lava monsters now attacking Parker's world.
So, there are a few possibilities here. (And many more obviously).