Mom and daughter pen the most moving 'you are enough' letters to one another and it's all you need today

You are enough.
Three simple words that carry so much weight, and the idea behind two mother-daughter letters-turned-videos makes our hearts swell and our eyes tear.
It all started when Deva Dalporto, a mom of two, told her 12-year-old daughter that "she needed to know that she was enough and stop comparing herself and putting herself down," Dalporto told "Good Morning America."
"She turned to me and said, 'You do it to yourself, too, Mommy.' It was a huge AHA moment for me and thus the letters and videos were born," the mother added.
First came a letter from Dalporto's daughter, A.M.
Deva Dalporto posted the letter-turned-video to her Facebook page "MyLifeSuckers." That video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.
And so Deva Dalporto posted a letter-tuned-video of her own in response.
That video has been seen more than 1 million times. Dalporto shared both with "GMA."
The message is clear: You are enough.