

Man sings outside nursing home window to longtime girlfriend


This genie in a bottle optical illusion is the distraction we need right now

Traci Nestheide

This dad is dressing up in costumes everyday for at-home field trips for his kids

Jen Santamaria

'It's something I never imagined having to do alone': Women face childbirth without partners amid coronavirus outbreak

STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

Coronavirus school closings: 8 ways to keep the peace while kids are home

Nate Duncan

No more play dates? Ways for kids to stay connected during social distancing


Families are hosting Walt Disney World-themed parties during the coronavirus lockdown

Sara Byrne/Instagram

Grandma gets 95th birthday surprise from safe distance amid coronavirus pandemic

Cliff Hawkins/Getty Images

Mom urges parents to stay in and work out with kids during coronavirus pandemic

Pinsi Lei and her new born son.

I gave birth during the coronavirus outbreak and everything changed