
STOCK Illustration/Getty Images

Here's the CDC guidance on safest activities for vaccinated and unvaccinated people

Angela Hertenstein

I've been a surrogate for 5 families: Here's what I want people to know about the process

STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

Debunking the top 3 myths about infertility

Rodin Eckenroth/WireImage via Getty Images, FILE

AnnaLynne McCord opens up about her struggle with dissociative identity disorder, discusses diagnosis


Doctor flies to India to provide medical assistance to protestors


What it’s like to be a Black woman experiencing infertility

Bella Sollé Photography

53-year-old woman carries baby for daughter, who also becomes pregnant after years of infertility

Pandemic pregnancy fears may be sparking boom in egg freezing

Kaylee Hartung

Cramping, shots and hope: What it was like to freeze my eggs at age 35 during a global pandemic

Courtesy Deidre Deiner

Why I decided to be a 'single mother by choice'