
Elijah Nouvelage/Reuters

How Apple plans to help you spend less time on your iPhone

Woman who appeared on HGTV finds out she has cancer after a doctor watching spots a lump on her throat

Alessandra Tarantino/AP

Serena Williams calls post-pregnancy the 'fourth trimester': Why she's right and what women should know

STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

Let's talk about sex: How to know you're in a healthy sexual relationship

STOCK IMAGE/Getty Images

Postpartum life: Can your diet after giving birth affect your mental health?

Rachel Saintfort/Brianna Bernard/Lauren Council

How 3 women lost over 100 pounds each by changing their diets and lifestyles

Corey Scarrow/World Vision Canada

Meghan Markle gives new voice to issue of menstrual hygiene: Here is why you should care

Woman who runs ultramarathons: 'Go out and do whatever you dream about'

Is running more than 100 miles good for your heart?

GDA via AP

Dramatic rise in ADHD medication mishaps among kids, report finds