
Courtesy Dr. Susan Ryan

ER doctor has comfort dog on the front lines to soothe health care workers during coronavirus

Allison Swendsen/Atlantic Health System

Man holds sign at emergency room's window thanking hospital workers for saving his wife's life


Try this at-home ballerina body workout


Make these 5 choices to help stop the spread of the new coronavirus

Cleveland Clinic/Instagram

The story behind this touching message from a COVID-19 patient who was recently discharged from an intensive care unit


This doctor's rendition of 'Imagine' is the hope the world needs right now

Courtney Doster

Mom of 7-month-old with coronavirus speaks out: What parents should know


Here’s how to work out with your dog at home


This woman donated part of her liver to a man she didn't know

Courtesy Sandra Ponce

3 couples donate kidneys to each other in miracle match