Sneak peek at 'The Devil Wears Prada' reunion
It’s been 15 years since Meryl Streep played glamorous and cutthroat fashion magazine editor Miranda Priestly in “The Devil Wears Prada,” and now the cast of the iconic film is coming together for a virtual reunion.
The reunion, which is now available on and Entertainment Weekly’s July issue, is the first reunion for the cast, director and costume designer since the film made its debut in 2006.
“It connects to that relatable, work-life balance issue,” said Joey Nolfi, digital writer at Entertainment Weekly and moderator of the reunion, who pointed out the film’s timeless theme. “How far are you willing to sort of relinquish who you are, for the sake of a job that zaps up most of your life? The movie has nine lives. It has a new life now as culture is changing.”
“Good Morning America” got an exclusive sneak peek into the reunion, with clips of Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt, Streep and Stanley Tucci talking about what they remember most about filming the movie.

For Blunt, who was still an unknown name in Hollywood at the time, the scene she remembers most is one with Tucci, who played Nigel in the film.
“There is the scene in the closet where he’s trying to imply that it’s going to take a lot to squeeze Andy into these dresses,” said Blunt. “And Stanley must have done about 10 versions -- it was so funny.”
And for Streep, whose performance as Priestly earned her an Oscar nomination for best actress, “The Devil Wears Prada,” broke boundaries for many and told a new story about women who work.
“This is the first movie I’ve ever had that men have come up to me and said I know you feel,” said Streep. “It is the hardest thing in the whole world for a man to feel the world particularly if the if the protagonist of a film if it’s a woman.”

Tucci added, “Our society has conditioned to see the world through men’s eyes. So often, and particularly in cinema, literature … this started to make that change.”
The July issue of Entertainment Weekly -- which includes “The Devil Wears Prada” reunion -- hits newsstands June 18.