Dad confronts his son's bully and what happens next restores our faith in humanity

When Aubrey Fontenot found out his son was being bullied, he, as most parents would got "a little hot." But what he did next makes him truly unique.
It had been an ongoing situation between his son Jordan and another boy at school.
"I urged him to talk about it, befriend the guy."
Jordan had already gotten in some hot water earlier in the year for defending himself, and the elder Fontenot said and he didn't want it to happen again.

"I had already been to the school and let them know there was a bullying situation," Fontenot told "Good Morning America." But then it happened again.
Things came to a head when Jordan's phone went missing.

Fontenot went to the school spoke the principal and a cop. And though they didn't come right out and say it, Fontenot got the feeling this kid needed help.
"They insinuated he was homeless. I was like 'Oh ok I didn’t realize that, wow that makes a lot of sense." The boy's mother he said, confirmed the situation.
Fontenot told the boy if he would give Jordan's phone back, he would make it "all go away." But the phone had since been taken by someone else. So, the boy was suspended.
And what did he do on suspension day? He spent the day with Fontenot.
"I took him shopping and bought him some clothes. I talked to him about morals and principals and having self respect. He's not much of a talker, but I got him to open up."
Fontenot set up a meeting between the boy and Jordan. "They each got to talk and then I said, 'From here, this is nothing. Shake hands and from now on you are brothers and you protect each other.'"
The dad wanted his son to know “every war isn’t won with your hands. It's easy to react to first emotions but sometimes you have to outsmart a situation."
Just weeks later, Jordan and his former bully are, according to Fontenot, "brothers."