Little girl wears mom's makeup and she is fierce: 'Reese has never lacked confidence'

Give this girl an eyebrow pencil and she'll give you a smile for the rest of your day.
You and three million other people, that is. That's how many times 7-year-old Reese Wallace's makeup video has been seen on Facebook since her mom posted it last week.
"Reese is the epitome of a girly girl," her mom Nicole Wallace told "Good Morning America." "She loves frilly dresses, manis and pedis, elaborate hairstyles and obviously getting into mom's makeup."
Reese has always loved painting her face, but not always with approved items, her mom said. "She's been caught numerous times covered in Crayola paint and marker long before she discovered mom's makeup drawer."
And while Reese's makeup skills are impressive, it's also quite impressive that her mom let her get into some Chanel makeup without batting an eyelash.
So where did Reese get her skills?
"I don't typically wear much makeup, but when I'm getting ready she'll sit on the vanity and analyze my every move," Wallace said. "Also, YouTube tutorials. Need I say more?"
The reaction to the video has been "overwhelmingly positive," Wallace said. "The confident head nod, neck and forehead blush and extreme wing are favorites [of the commenters], as is her messy bun. Honestly, the only semi-negative comments I've seen are aimed at me for allowing her to play with my Chanel."
As for Reese going viral, her mom said her three sisters are way more excited than she is. "Reese has never lacked confidence, I'm sure she already thought she was internet famous."