'Laundry stripping' is the viral TikTok cleaning hack we all need in 2020

It's the laundry hack you never knew you needed and once you experience it, probably won't be able to do without.
"Laundry stripping," as it's known, is a way of deep-cleaning everything from bedding to clothes to couch coverings. And watching your bath water turn from clear to murky is oddly satisfying in these trying times of frequent hand washing, deep cleaning and sanitization of what seems like every item we own.
"It's a soaking method designed to deep clean your laundry, with the intent to remove built-up residue from detergent, hard water, body oils and fabric softener," Dr. Elizabeth Mullans, a board-certified dermatologist practicing in Houston, Texas, told "Good Morning America." "It is seen as satisfying because the water may turn to a brown or gray color from all the gunk being 'stripped' away from the linens, giving a fresh, new feeling."
Laundry stripping requires three ingredients: Borax, washing soda (sodium carbonate) and laundry detergent. Mullans said she prefers fragrance-free detergent that is sensitive on skin, and recommended Arm & Hammer Free & Clear.
TikTokers everywhere are giving the trend a try and sharing their laundry stripping videos.
"The best way to strip wash your laundry is either in a clean bathtub, or in a large bucket with just-washed laundry, either wet or dry," said Mullans.
Here are the three steps:
1. Add a mixture of Borax, washing soda and laundry detergent, follow a 1-to-1 or 1-to-2 ratio, adjusting the amounts based on how much water you're using, to hot water.
2. Once the mixture has dissolved, add your laundry. Let soak until the water has cooled, about 4 hours, stirring the garments occasionally.
3. Finally, wash the stripped laundry once more in the washing machine, on a water-only cycle. Enjoy your ultra-clean bed sheets and bath towels.
Not every article is a good candidate for stripping, Mullans told "GMA."
"Laundry stripping is not always ideal for clothing as it can cause dyes to run," she said. "You may want to stick to white bath towels and bed sheets. If you do try the method on colorful clothing, avoid mixing a red shirt with white socks or else you could end up with accidentally dyed clothing. Don't try this technique on delicate or fragile items."
Be sure to check the labels on your items before stripping, as the method requires hot water that's not suitable for all fabrics. Mullans also warned to be careful with bedding: "Be careful with the type of items you decide to strip, such as comforters or pillows, as a high pH will strip the oils and make them crack."