Mom's genius shopping cart has the Internet's jaw on the floor

So, you know how when you push the shopping cart into the line of shopping carts in the parking lot when you're done using it?
And you know how the back of the cart in front of yours pops up for neat stacking?
Turns out that's not all it's for.

No more lifting too-heavy toddlers and bigger kids into the cart. No siree. Laura Castrillo of Houston, Texas, has shown us we have been doing grocery shopping with the kids all. wrong.
Her step mom showed her the hack, she told "Good Morning America." She immediately thought of her own mom, who is disabled with back problems but often takes care of Castrillo's kids, including taking her 5-year-old son Vincent to the store.

"I videotaped my son to show her what I meant," Castrillo said. "And then I shared the video with my friends and then people were asking me to make it public."
So she did, and it's been viewed more than 3 million times.
"Mostly, the response has been really positive," the mom, who also has 11-year-old Kaylyn and 6-year-old Camille. "There are a few people that say they already did it, but most are thanking me for making things a little easier."