Pregnant mom of 5 boys isn't 'trying for a girl'

One mom of five boys is pregnant and wants the world to know it's not because she is trying for a girl.
Ariel Tyson and her husband, along with their five boys -- ages 8, 7, 6, 4 and 2 -- live in Bozeman, Montana. The couple does not know the gender of their unborn baby.
"People are constantly telling me they're sorry I have all boys, even in front of my boys," Tyson told "Good Morning America."
"They tell me I need a girl, that they can't imagine life with all boys and five at that," she said. "That they hope for my sake that it's a girl. The No. 1 comment we get is: 'Five boys? I'm sorry.'"
In a maternity shoot, Tyson made her feelings on this topic quite clear.
When people make negative comments about their family, it "make us feel devalued, pitied, and less than. I don't feel that way at all about having all boys, but I think they want me to feel that way."
Her photo has resonated -- it's been liked more than 14,000 times.
"The reaction has, for the most part, been a resounding 'thank you for sharing that!' Many women with all of the same gender [children] get terrible comments and so they appreciate the encouragement I offer them as I combat what the rest of the world is saying," Tyson told "GMA." "And then I heard from some that it's OK to want a particular gender and I totally agree, but I want to be a help to those who are hearing otherwise."