#Teacherlife photos will make you want to hug a weary teacher today

If you think it's been a long week, imagine being a teacher.
Teachers are the best, but they're also dog-tired as Haley Curfman so hilariously displays on her Instagram page, The Weary Teacher.
It all started a few years ago, the second grade teacher from Blackwell, Oklahoma, told "Good Morning America," on her first day of school. She wanted a '"first day of school" photo but got too busy to take one. So she took one at the end of the day instead.
"Not the early morning pic with fresh hair and makeup, but the end of the day pic when my hair was a mess, my makeup smeared, my desk a complete wreck and me exhausted," Curfman said. "Of course, we played it up and spoofed the chaos to a whole other level. But, we did it, we took the pic. I posted it as my 'first day pic' with a teacher twist. The first day ... through the eyes of a teacher, and everyone loved it."
Ever since, she's posted a photo from the desk of a teacher.
"The pictures always represent the chaos that is going on in my teacher world at that moment, whether that's a holiday, school party or student craziness before a school break," she said.
Despite the chaos, Curfman said making a difference is what she loves most about teaching.
"Sure, days are challenging, and there are a lot of days you don't know if you are getting through to a student, but this job is filled with aha moments," she told "GMA." "The moments you see a child grasp a concept, learn something new or have a break through, those are the moments that make it all worth it."