Family July 20, 2018

This little boy trying to dive into the pool and belly flopping is all of us

WATCH: Two-year-old boy performs unique dive into swimming pool

This 2-year-old's attempt to dive into a swimming pool is so adorable that we can't look away.

Corina Casanova, mom to Deacon, shared a recent video of the toddler trying to follow her as she demonstrated how to plunge into the water.

Corina Casanova via Storyful
A 2-year-old named Deacon's attempt to dive into a swimming pool is so adorable that we can't look away.
Corina Casanova via Storyful
Corina Casanova of North Carolina, shared a video of her son trying to dive into a pool onto Facebook.

"Ok ok I’ve been convinced to post this finally (from last week)," Casanova, of Asheville, North Carolina, wrote on Facebook.

Corina Casanova via Storyful
Corina Casanova, mom to Deacon, shared a video of the toddler trying to follow her demonstrating how to plunge into the water.

Deacon makes an effort in the video but eventually he decides that a belly flop would be more sufficient.

He ends the flop by lifting his head from the water and flashing a sweet smile to the camera.