Twitter has strong feelings about this 3-year-old's scary 'Nun'-themed birthday party

When you think of a 3-year-old's birthday party, what comes to mind?
Maybe superheros or a circus theme? Pastels and pop-up bouncy homes?
If you are three-year-old Lucia Brown, you think of the horror movie "The Nun."
And if you're her mom, you go with it. Because who needs clowns when you can have terrifying inflatable nuns at your party, right?
Lucia first became interested in the film when she was at her grandmother's house, saw the image for the movie and asked to watch, her mom Laura Brown told "Good Morning America."
"[Lucia's grandmother and her father] told her it wasn't a cartoon, but she insisted," she said.
They figured she would be scared and not watch it long, but she watched the whole thing.
Soon after, her mom started thinking about Lucia's birthday party and asked the little girl what kind of character she wanted as a theme. To her mother's shock, she responded, "The Nun."

"I kept asking her for months and the answer was always the same: 'The nun the nun the nun.' I told her, 'No way, you are going to choose Rapunzel," she said.
The scary "Nun" party was held on June 3 with family members (the little girl had a more traditional party with friends, her mom told "GMA"), and after Lucia's cousin posted photos to Twitter, the little girl immediately went viral.
Twitter can't get enough the usual theme and adorable girl -- "The Walking Dead" and Jordan Peele included.
Can't wait to see what she comes up with for her next party.