Motivational cleaning videos are sweeping the internet in the ultimate sign of the times

The latest sensation sweeping social media and captivating audiences online may seem mundane, but thousands are spending time watching YouTubers clean their homes as motivation.
Videos are being created to inspire viewers to tackle their mess and get motivated to clean with the person on camera.

Some of the motivational cleaners follow a formula to sprucing up their space, like Jessica Tull who starts in the kitchen with dishes.
"It's hard to keep up with cleaning. And seeing someone else do it, it motivates them to also do it," Tull told ABC News.

She has been a motivational cleaner on YouTube for three years and the secret to her success is that she keeps the videos real.
"My life was just a complete mess and I decided to just show ... how it actually is me being a single mom with three kids," she said.

Faith Matini's motivational cleaning channel has gained increased popularity amid the ongoing pandemic. One video had 1 million views.
"Gosh, we all need something. We all need some sort of distraction from what's going on in our lives," Matini told ABC News. "When you can kind of turn on the TV, turn on YouTube and you see something that kind of makes you laugh -- it's really, really beneficial and really needed right now."

Check out the snapshot of accounts to follow if you need a little cleaning motivation in your daily routine.
Jessica Tull
Faith Matini
The lifestyle and cleaning YouTuber has over 50K subscribers and shares content like her popular "complete disaster clean."
Loving Life as Megan
Megan has nearly 100K subscribers and her videos with DIY home upgrades have garnered over a million views.
Madison Hopper Cleaning
With over 61K subscribers, this channel provides serious cleaning motivation for even the messiest house tasks.
Do It On A Dime
Kathryn has 1.49 million subscribers and her most popular videos are about organizing with Dollar Tree finds.
Bits of Bri
Brianna K creates videos that combine cleaning and decorating.