ABC News August 11, 2015

'Bachelor in Paradise' Recap: Clare Walks Away From Rose Ceremony

WATCH: Behind the Scenes of 'Bachelor in Paradise'

And you thought Clare Crawley crying in front of a raccoon on Sunday night's episode of "Bachelor in Paradise" was strange.

Clare made her castmates feel a little uncomfortable during a cocktail party on Monday night's show, lamenting that she was alone while many of the others had paired up.

She suggested that last season's cast was more focused on finding love than this group. She added, "I want to feel what you guys feel."

Right before the subsequent rose ceremony began, Jade Roper told Clare she was offended by her cocktail party speech. Clare shot back, "If the shoe fits, wear it."

Clare couldn't manage to keep it together during the rose ceremony, where it was the women's turn to hand out the roses. She walked away and told host Chris Harrison, "I don't feel right being here."

We'll find out what happened next when "Bachelor in Paradise" continues next Sunday night on ABC.

The episode began on a much more cheery note for Clare. She and Jared Haibon took a sailboat ride to a small island, where they went bungee jumping.

But Jared later expressed reluctance to commit to Clare, implying that the age difference -- she's eight years older -- was an obstacle.

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This gave Ashley Iaconetti an opportunity to reconnect with Jared during the cocktail party, during which they kissed.

Monday night's episode saw the arrival of yet another Bachelorette alum: Michael Garofola, who previously appeared on Desiree Hartsock's season of "The Bachelorette." He immediately set his sights on Tenley Molzahn, who had already drawn interest from Joshua Albers and JJ Lane. Nevertheless, she accepted his invitation for a date, during which they dined atop a pool of water and were entertained by a mariachi band.

Mikey Tenerelli, still smarting from the Clare rejection, focused his attention elsewhere -- namely toward Juelia Kinney, who's interested in Joe Bailey, who was still hoping that Samantha from Chris Soules' season of “The Bachelor” would show up. Got all that?

At the cocktail party, Mikey and Jonathan tried to convince Juelia that Joe was not sincere in his intentions. Joe countered by arguing to Juelia that Mikey and Jonathan were simply trying to save themselves from elimination.

Later, Joe and Mikey had a chat in which Joe insisted that he liked Juelia. Satisfied, Mikey walked away, as Joe muttered, "I just made him my b****."

Jonathan apologized profusely to both Joe and Juelia for what he described as getting caught up in the game, then had a good cry in front of Joe afterward.

After all that, Joe told the cameras, "If I don't get a rose tonight, I would honestly believe I truly missed an opportunity to meet Samantha."

A preview for next week's episodes indicated that Joe breaks Juelia's heart.