ABC News July 13, 2016

Gretchen Carlson to NYT: Harassing Language by Roger Ailes Was 'Continuous'

WATCH: New Details in Roger Ailes Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson said the demeaning language she experienced from her former boss, Roger Alies, was "continuous" and that she feared speaking out because she was "intimidated" by his power and the culture of the network’s “Fox and Friends,” she told The New York Times.

The interview was Carlson's first since filing a sexual harassment lawsuit against Ailes last week, alleging that the network's CEO and chairman "sabotaged" her career because she had "refused his sexual advances."

In the Times interview, Carlson, 50, said that by filing the suit, she "finally felt it was time" to speak up.

"I just wanted to stand up for myself, first and foremost," Carlson told the Times. "And I wanted to stand up for other women who maybe faced similar circumstances."

Ailes, 76, retaliated against her rebuffs by giving her fewer "hard-hitting" interviews and "directing that she not be showcased at all," according to the lawsuit by the former "Fox and Friends" host.

She also claims that he reduced her compensation "to a level that was greatly disproportionate to that of similarly-situated male employees."

Carlson’s complaint says that when she brought up how she was being treated, Ailes told her: "I think you and I should have had a sexual relationship a long time ago and then you'd be good and better and I'd be good and better."

Carlson told the Times that type of language from Ailes was "continuous," adding that she had "between six and 10" meetings with him in which he talked about her body.

When asked by the Times asked if there was a problem within the network, Carlson responded: "Everyone knew how powerful Roger Ailes was. I certainly felt intimidated by that," and added, "The culture of 'Fox and Friends' was intimidating to me."

Fox News and Ailes denied Carlson's allegations in a statement released to ABC News last week.

"Gretchen Carlson’s allegations are false. This is a retaliatory suit for the network's decision not to renew her contract, which was due to the fact that her disappointingly low ratings were dragging down the afternoon lineup. When Fox News did not commence any negotiations to renew her contract, Ms. Carlson became aware that her career with the network was likely over and conveniently began to pursue a lawsuit.

"Ironically, FOX News provided her with more on-air opportunities over her 11 year tenure than any other employer in the industry, for which she thanked me in her recent book. This defamatory lawsuit is not only offensive, it is wholly without merit and will be defended vigorously."

Carlson was a 11-year veteran at Fox News Channel. She was also a former host of "The Real Story With Gretchen Carlson."