Three generations of a family in St. Louis, Missouri, share not only the same name but also the same birthday.
Daniel Nelson Lesinski III was born on March 26, the birthday of his father Daniel Nelson Lesinski Jr., 34, and Daniel Nelson Lesinski Sr., 67, his grandfather.

Baby Danny's arrival at Mercy Hospital St. Louis was a surprise for his family as his due date was April 1. Lesinski Jr. said his wife Heidi Lesinski needed an emergency cesarean section because doctors told them their baby was on the larger side and so Lesinski was able to deliver baby Danny at 39 weeks and 1 day.
"This guy wanted to come in and create a little bit of fireworks for his birthday and mine and [his grandfather's]," the father of three said.

Baby Danny weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces and was 20.75 inches. He has since returned home with his parents and joined his older sisters Lainey and Avie.
Lesinski Jr. called his son's arrival a "miracle," especially since he and his wife had experienced a miscarriage last year.
"This was not by any stretch of the imagination, something that I ever had on my radar a year ago," Lesinski Jr. said.

Lesinski Jr. said it'll be hard to top his 34th birthday.
"I don't know that I'll ever have a better birthday hands down," Lesinski Jr. said.
"To have a son born on my birthday alone is something that would be very special for any father out there but to be able to share that with both my dad and my son … I truthfully didn't realize it was as wild as it is," he added.

Lesinki Sr. said he also felt "blessed" to welcome his 13th grandchild and share his name and birthday with him. His first grandchild is also named Daniel but is Daniel Joseph Lesinski.
"I've got 13 grandkids and obviously, we've been blessed so many times. And this is just an incredible honor for my wife and I to be able to have this [grandbaby] and obviously have him named after me," the 67-year-old said. "We're just extremely over the moon happy really."
Lesinski Jr. said his two-week-old son has so far, been "a good baby."
"He's doesn't cry often. When he does, it's usually when he's hungry. Luckily, he's a great eater," Lesinski Jr. said.