7-year-old fights bullying with inspirational videos
A 7-year-old isn’t letting bullies get him down and says he wants to help others do the same.
Rowyn Montgomery, from Tiverton, Rhode Island, was picked on at school for his appearance. After talking about it with his mom, he decided to make motivational videos and post them online to help anyone else out there who might be going through the same thing.
"We just kind of talked about how you need to embrace yourself and how it’s not important what other people think of you," Rowyn’s mom, Michelle Montgomery, told ABC News. "It’s important to just be yourself and he really took that to heart. He really wanted to do videos after we talked about that."
"Before when I used to be picked on in school about having my unibrow, I used to feel a little bit upset," Rowyn said. "So I stopped feeling upset and started to make videos so people can embrace themselves and feel happy if the same thing happens to them."
In one of his recent videos, Rowyn talks about how everyone is different and "good in their own ways."
"People are different sizes," he says in the video. "People are different colors. Everyone can be themselves."

Rowyn has been making the videos since he was 4 years old, but only recently started posting them online.
"I'm so beyond proud," Montgomery said of her son.
Rowyn enter second grade this fall, and hopes to follow in his mom's footsteps when he grows up. She currently works in the behavioral health field as a case manager and helps people with mental illness.
For anyone worried about starting a new grade, Rowyn said to "embrace yourself."
"If you're worried there's going to be bullies, and if there is, you can tell them, 'I’m myself and since I'm in this grade I can be myself. It doesn’t matter what other people think about me. It matters what I think about myself,'" he said.