2-year-old greeting UPS driver is her weekly highlight in quarantine
A toddler and UPS driver have developed a weekly routine of waving to each other at a safe distance.
Charlotte Venuto, 2, greets the same delivery man on Mondays as he drops off her family's meal kit packages.
Kristen Venuto, who's also mom to 3-month-old Benjamin, started taking videos of the adorable encounters and sharing them on Instagram for friends and family.
"Before the pandemic if I saw him there, I'd come out and chat with him," Venuto of Dedham, Massachusetts, told "Good Morning America." "He's just so friendly and always talks to Charlotte."
On Monday, Venuto tweeted a video of Charlotte saying hello to the UPS worker, whose name she has yet to ask for. The footage was viewed over 10,000 times.

Venuto said Charlotte's exchange with the kind driver is her weekly highlight.