9-year-old serves up seasonal drinks to combat hunger, homelessness

Julian Lin is no average fourth grader. The 9-year-old from New York City has a big heart and a mission-driven small business to help his community, addressing issues like hunger and homelessness.
What started as a small lemonade stand in Manhattan over the summer has transformed into a hot chocolate stand for the winter, complete with delicious toppings like gingerbread cookies, mini marshmallows and whipped cream beloved by locals.

"My favorite part," Julian told "Good Morning America" as he served up the seasonal beverages, "[is] the experience of getting to know people and seeing people."
While the lemonade looked delicious for the warmer weather, the most refreshing thing about Julian is his desire to serve others. He donates 30% of sales to charity, including one of his favorites -- the Best Friends Animal Society.

On top of his already generous endeavors, Julian also likes to hand out $10 and $20 bills from his earnings and pass them out to local homeless individuals on his walks to and from school.
"Once he started making any kind of money, he wanted to donate [it]. Whatever he feels needs some support is what it goes to," Julian's mom Julie Meerschwam told "GMA."
When the wildfires tore through Lahaina in Maui over the summer, Julian used his libations to raise over $11,000, some of which went directly to his friend Ryan Chagas, whom he met on a vacation to the island last February.

The deadly fires claimed at least 100 lives and also took out hundreds of local businesses and thousands of homes, including Chagas' house.
Chagas told "GMA" he's using the money from his young friend "to buy my food, to buy all new clothes."
"I've never seen a kid with so much heart in my life," Chagas added.

Explained Julian, "Generosity to me is like breathing. If you make me not be generous, then I'll die."
Julian joined "GMA" in Times Square on Friday and shared his ultimate goal: "to end all world hunger and homelessness for both people and animals by revolutionizing business."