A doctor who delivered a baby girl 25 years ago has now delivered her newborn son.
Dr. Bryan Cox of Methodist Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, delivered Lauren Cortez on March 23, 1995. Cortez's mom, Isabel Luna, has been his patient for over two decades.
"Lauren came to me as a pregnant lady and she was all excited because her mom loves me, so it was a great situation," Cox, a 33-year practicing OB/GYN told "Good Morning America." "It was fun the whole pregnancy."

Cortez told "GMA" she wanted Cox to be her doctor after her mother spoke so highly of him. All came full-circle when Cox delivered Cortez's son, Logan James, who was born July 26, weighing 6 pounds, 1 ounce.

"Dr. Cox, right when the baby is born, he sings 'Happy Birthday,'" Cortez told "GMA." "The fact that he takes that little time to personalize the birth experience meant a lot to me."
"My mom said he sang 'Happy Birthday' to me, and to my brother who was born in '97," she added.

Cortez posted her story onto Twitter where it was shared over 82,000 times.
Many of Cox's patients commented on the thread, and others had something in common with Cortez -- their OB/GYNs delivered them, and their children too.
Cortez said she and her husband Peter hope Dr. Cox stays in practice until Logan has children of his own.